Use of Formula Microfost Exel Complete with function - An office job it must be using Microsoft Office Excel and usually if want to apply as an office worker must be able to master the basic formula excel and this tool is often known to use that includes formulas or formulas in each process works. While in any use less effective formula makes us confused and to enable us to work with MS Excel application must know the basic formula and its functions. Microsoft Excel or so-called formula is an application that has its own advantages, with its function dominant enough to work in data processing through a highly mathematical calculations, but it is also commonly known as MS Excel mathematical operators.
Talking about the types and functions of the formula in MS Excel, we need to understand is how to use MS Excel formulas as mathematical operator. Because this software is MS Excel advantage to hold all the data that have numerical properties.
- + (The plus icon), for use in the form of summation as an example (A1 + A2)
- * (Star icon), for use in the form of multiplication as an example (A5 * A6)
- - (minus icon), for use in the form of reductions as an example (A3-A4)
- / (Forward slash icon), for use in the form of division as an example (A7 / A8)
- % (Icon percent) for use in the form of percentages as example (C2%)
- ^ (Caret icon) for use in the form of Designation as an example (A9 ^ 2)
Here we give an example in the use of standard MS Excel formula
If the first formula in the column you've finished, but want to continue back towards the next column so my friend just put the cursor in the lower right corner until the cursor changes shape into a (+) then you pull down.
Basic MS Excel Formulas and Functions
Formula or Formula in MS Excel By dominant, it is probably divided into three types, namely formula Logic, Mathematical and Statistics. And we will provide the use of a complete formula based on the following functions more:
Complete set of Excel formulas and functions
Mathematical formula
SUBTOTAL function is very much that is division, subtraction, multiplication, percentages (average) and others, as Example: = SUBTOTAL (Function; REFRENSI_1; REFRENSI_2) by writing the formula will change to = SUBTOTAL (9; A5; A10).
SUM is a formula that works for the summation process. For example: = SUM (B2: C2) and thus the formula will be changed automatically placed into a number of results with the nature of the sum in cell E2 and B2
Statistics formulas
Serves to calculate the amount of data the number of arguments. And this formula bias connect together Logical test. Example = COUNT (value1 and value2)
Berfugsi to show the value portase (average). Example: = AVERAGE (D2; D3; D4). will automatically exit the average value in the column D2 to D4.
The use of this formula we can determine the amount of the highest scores in the collection cell. Example = MAX (B2 and B10)
The formula of the formula MAX MIN reverse earlier.
Logic formulas MS Excel
OR its use is to produce the correct or true value, if the logical test is correct. And like Example: = OR (logika1 and logika2)
Same as above that could produce the correct or true value, if all the arguments are correct. As in Example: = AND (logika1 and logika2)
logic functions above, we can combine order to give a proper analysis results and in accordance with what we want.
That's what we can say about the use of Ms Excel Formulas and hopefully with this formula can simplify your work.