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Kamis, 07 September 2017

How Adsense Ads Open in the New Tab of Windows

Friend has an Adsense account? Friends want to earn a doubled income when a publisher Adsense? Friends want Adsense does not interfere or reduce the visitor?

Of course the answer to the questions above is YES, I WANT IT ALL. It is natural, if someone when having an Adsense account and become one Publisher Adsense, he will always try and find a way that he can be successful through the Adsense Publisher. But please note, that if a friend is not wise, precisely the existence of Adsense on a friend's website can 'turn off' a friend website little by little.

One of the things that can cause a 'dead' website due to Adsense is too much in giving 'advertising'. As a result, loading the blog becomes heavy and the impression generated for visitors is bad. So the right way to install Adsense ads on blogs is PROPORSIONAL.

This proportional attitude is important and needs to be done in order to balance the ads and the 'power' of blogs to be good.

One more thing, a lot of 'grunted' by the Adsense publisher is the presence of Adsense ads that redirect directly from the blog. Of course, if Adsense ads are clicked by visitors, then visitors were immediately changed directions to the ads and leave our blog.

So, how to make our blog is not abandoned and adsense ads remain fixed?

This problem is what will Ngonline06 will peel. Keep in mind that in Adsense links there are two types of ads. One, the ads are redirected directly from the blog. Secondly, ads are automatically new tabs. This of course has become its own policy of google adsense.

How Adsense Ads Open in New Tab Windows (New Window)

However, we can arrange it too. Likewise, we can make all links to new windows automatic tab by adding a little code. So if friends want to do that, please do the following two steps to all Adsense ads on blogs open friends with new windows, without the need to close our blog.

The first step
Please friends to the blog dashboard. Select menu Template > edit HTMLPut the following code above the code </head> and save.
<base target='_blank' />

Step Two
Select menu Layout> Add Widget. Select the HTML / Java Script widget and fill in the following code in it.
<script type = 'text / javascript'>
var arr = document.getElementsByTagName ("a"); // get link for page (var i = 0; i <arr.length; i ++)
if (arr [i] .href.indexOf ("") <0 //
&& arr [i] .href.indexOf ("javascript:") <0) // link
arr [i] .target = "_blank";
</ script>
So how to Open Adsense Ads when clicked on the New Tab Windows. Hopefully useful and if there are difficulties, please scribble in the comment box.

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