Traveler, Vacation, Computer, Hobby, Tips & Tricks

Jumat, 08 September 2017

How to Know the Log Anytime We Sign in to Google

Google has facilities   with the name: recent activity , where each user can know the activity in the last few months whenever he sign in / login, using what device and from anywhere location.

With this recent activity facility, you (google user) can immediately take action for example immediately change the password if there is data that is not appropriate with your activity for example you do not feel login at the time specified in recent activity log, or location not appropriate.

 Log in to your Google 
 Go to the following address, then the recent activity window will open: 

* For a particular ISP (Internet Service Provider), usually the connection using GSM or CDMA modem sometimes use a different public IP with the city where you are, so that the log activity will be read from other cities. 

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