Traveler, Vacation, Computer, Hobby, Tips & Tricks

Jumat, 08 September 2017

Wifi Installation More Than One Must see Channel

It is now commonplace to install wifi in homes to share internet access with family or friends because of the practicality and price of the more affordable devices. (different from the first wifi that existed only in hotels, campuses or other special places) is now a common thing, and we can easily do the installation and setting itself). 

Chartel Wifi Chart 2.4 GHz

When you install wifi at home or wherever more than one device is adjacent, then the channel must be considered, because the channel selection error will cause the connection to be slow or very slow, because there is mutual interference from each wifi. 

Usually if we set / install wifi, rarely pay attention to the channel, we just set the SSID (wifi name), connect to the Internet / choose provider, and set the password. While the channel is not set because the default setting of the device is set by Atomatis. 
The above does not matter if there are no other wifi devices nearby. and / or you will only install one wifi device. 

When the Channel setting is on the automatic as above, then when there is an adjacent wifi device, your wifi device will automatically select the unused channel, but in reality (may depend on the brand) auto channel is not optimal there is overlap (occupies the same channel with existing wifi), so the connection becomes unstable and even breaks completely. 

For the solution must be set channel manually. Log in to your access point / wifi router, usually on the wireless menu. then set channelnya select to manual channel, 
On wifi with 802.11 b standard, g, n at 2.4 GHz frequency has channel 1 to 14. 
If you are installing 2 or 3 wifi devices, select Channel 1, 6, 11 because no interference occurs between those channels. 

For details about the relationship between channels on Wi-Fi 2.4 GHz can be seen in the following graph: 

Chartel Wifi Chart 2.4 GHz

The frequency width of each channel is 22 MHz, 
So a safe without interference for 3 Channels is: 
2, 7,12 
3,8,12 and so on 

To find out in your area whether there is a wifi signal and want to know how to work on the channel, many tools or applications for this need. 
One of the easiest, practical and good analytical results (I use Android) is android application Wifi Analizer , just go to the Play Store download and install. 

Wifi Analizer for Android
Example of capture above, there are two wifi SSID, each occupies Channel 1 and 6. 
From the example above if we want to add / install wifi then have to choose channel 11.

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