Traveler, Vacation, Computer, Hobby, Tips & Tricks

Jumat, 08 September 2017

The Easy Way to Know the Country or City Time in the World with Google

Nowadays when we need information about anything it is easy to just googling it.Likewise to know what time is currently in a country, city or anywhere else in this world that we want to know, just type in Google.

In order for Google to instantly display the time or hours of a country or city that we want to know, there is a way to write a proper search that is use keyword: time in followed by city or country name.

Suppose you want to know the time in Berlin. Open Browser (of course your computer must be connected to Internet), type in address bar: time in berlin, and select search enginnya Google then press Enter. Or go first Google.com_nya then write in the search field : time in Berlin then press enter, then google will display time in Berlin on the top page.

If you type in a country name that has more than one time split then Google will display each time different from each city. 
For example you want to know the time in America, type: time in United States , it will be displayed different time from each city. 

Please try another place, city or country.

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